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I was up at 6:15 A.M. showered and out the door by 7. Today was my annual mammogram. My appointment was at 8. It is about an hours drive from my house to Dana Farber in Weymouth. The traffic was light and I was able to park in the lower level of the parking garage. I was greeted by a friendly receptionist. After registration I was then brought to a dressing were I was asked to undress and then to wait in the waiting area till it was my turn. While waiting there I spotted a book on the table labeled patient journal. I picked it up and started thumbing through it. It was filled with stories of patients that either had or were recovering from breast cancer. It brought a tear to my eye. This disease has wreaked havoc on so many lives. Then I got to thinking how lucky we are to be able to have these types of screening. I much rather catch this disease in the early stages then to wait. I encourage anyone who is over 40 and has not had a mammogram to discuss it with your healthcare provider. It could make a difference between life and death. If you don't do it or yourself which should be reason enough. Do it for the ones that love you. No it is not fun to be in an ice cold room having a stranger slap your breast between two plates, but the alternative is so much worse.

For all us women who have our annual Mammograms

Mammo-Graham Marzipan Recipe

No cooking, very easy assembly recipe.

  • Chocolate Graham crackers split in two

  • A roll of Marzipan (in baking section of grocery store)

  • White frosting

  • Pink frosting gel

The middle is marzipan. I used one roll cut into 13 pieces and then warmed in the microwave for about 10 seconds. Roll each section into a ball, and then squish while molding it until you have a flat section for between the graham crackers and a bulging section that sticks out. “Glue” the marzipan to the graham crackers with some frosting and then use Pink Frosting gel for the nipple.

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