The Business Side of It Works

It Works is a networking business thus it can be run from any place it the world. Which if your looking to work from home this is the company for you. Now I realize there are many other networking businesses out there but IT Works is different.
As mention in one of my last blogs this company was started with the mission to help others become debt free and own their own time. It Works is one of the only networking companies that has no debt. Think about what your life would be like if you had no debt. Also, this is a christian based company. This may not mean anything to some but I kind of like that GOD was part of the founding principles of the company. Perhaps this is why It Works has been so successful. However this is just my opinion.
Think about this. We are taught from a young age to get good grades, so you can get into a good college and have a great job. Work hard for 45 plus years. Then retire and enjoy the fruits of your labor. But the reality is by the time you are ready to retire your body is beat up and broken down. Your are too tired or worse your have an some illness that prevents you from spending your golden years doing the things you enjoy. We see this all too much. Look at the older generation, many are stuck in nursing homes, rest homes and hospitals. All their hard earned money is sucked up by over priced facilities and pharmaceutical. I don't want this to be my future. I want to enjoy my life now. This business will allow me and you the ability to start living, to get out of debt and to take your live back. Is it going to be easy? Nope. Nothing worth having is. But I can promise you it will be well worth it.
Here is a chart of the average earnings for 2015

As you can see there is a potential to make some good money. The start up cost is $99. With your kit you get a box of wraps (4), 4 mini defining gels, blitz cards and some product brochures. Now you can either use the wraps yourself or sell them for $25 each and you make your money back. So technically your net start up cost is NOTHING!
So why not gather your friends and family and start your own It Works business. I'll be there to support you on this journey. Come on give it a year see what IT Works can do for you.